Friday, May 3, 2024

Picking up papers off the floor...


This may seem like a completely random topic but hang with me for a minute.  How many times have you walked past something in your house that fell on the floor and just left it there?

Well, most people don’t do that unless you are playing 52 card pickup and are waiting for the other person to pick up all the cards.  We used to play that with the kids when they were little.  It didn’t last long, and they didn’t play it more than twice.


Back to my subject on paperwork

My husband and I recently prayed to reevaluate our priorities and came to the realization that we have been picking up papers on the floor that were not ours to pick up.  We have been picking up papers that God wanted left on the floor for someone else to pick up.  Now that was a hard lesson for me to learn.

Let me explain. 

I am a bit OCD and when I see something out of place I immediately go into ‘Fix It’ mode and want to adjust, fix, move, it.  Whatever it takes to ‘right’ the situation.

On one occasion my daughter and a friend were joking around making snacks in our kitchen when my refrigerator magnets caught his attention.  When he asked my daughter why they were so organized, she mentioned her mom’s need for order.  He took that as a challenge and immediately rearranged the magnets on the fridge.  They both thought it was funny and couldn’t wait to see my reaction when I returned to the kitchen.

I am sure you could guess I wasn’t happy at first.  But I did appreciate their sense of humor because it took a lot of effort to rearrange those magnets.  There were a lot of them.  We all laughed, they walked away, and then I immediately rearranged the magnets into their ‘correct’ order again.  All was well with the world once again.

Having those magnets in the wrong order was like the papers on the floor.

It was like having an itch in the middle of my back and I couldn’t reach it no matter how hard I tried.

But this was a lesson I needed to learn.  God often allows things to be placed at our feet, not for us to pick up, but for us to ask Him whether we should pick them up. 

You see - if I keep picking up the things at my feet that are not mine to pick up, then my hands are full of everything I think I NEED TO DO.  However, they might not be what God is CALLING ME TO DO. 

Do you understand the difference?

The papers are there.  Yes.  But they are not necessarily mine.  And if I pick them up.  I might be missing out on the blessing He has for me because my hands are too full of MY CHOICES.

I have to be honest here - the first thing I did was bargain with God when He gave me this revelation.

“The papers are right next to my big toe God!  That means I should be the one to pick them up right??” 

“This one is just a small paper God.” 

“This one won’t take long.”

“This one is just a tiny…”

I am looking down…

I am not looking up.

I am not asking His direction.


So, thankfully His Grace is Abundant.  So, I begin again

When my husband and I realized we were picking up papers that were not ours recently we sat down and prayed over each thing we were holding onto.   A reassessment so to speak. 
Lord, give us direction on each of these things we are holding.

Are they ours, or are they Yours?

Then lead us to the path YOU want us.

New Directions.

No more looking down at papers at my feet.

Well, at least not today.  I will fail again.  I am human.  But for today, I am doing better.

Love you guys! 

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalms 46:10

'My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. '

John 10:27

'But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. '

2 Corinthians 12:9

And to complete it for those who want to FIX things...  Here is something to make you smile...

                                            Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.

You are not late.

  You are not late. You are just in time. Sometimes I think I missed His timing.   I get so busy doing the ‘Martha’ thing, I forget I...