Tuesday, October 1, 2024

You are not late.


You are not late.

You are just in time.

Sometimes I think I missed His timing.  I get so busy doing the ‘Martha’ thing, I forget I need to sit at His feet like Mary more and just simmer.

Timing is in His hands.

Have you ever tried to cook a roast quickly?  It doesn’t turn out very well.  You can cook a roast fast however it is tough to taste and isn’t very appealing.  

Now if you put a roast in the oven at 200 degrees and let it cook slowly over many hours, you will see a remarkable difference.  The meat is tender.  Cooking beef at a low roasting temperature allows the meat to gently cook through without drying out. 

We need to keep this in mind with our walk with the Lord.  I often want slow cooker results with microwave cooking in my walk.

Can you relate?

Let me give you an example.

God gives me a vision.

I am excited and lace up my sneakers and start to run.

Figuratively. (I don’t run unless chased)

God stops me and says, ‘Wait my child, that was for your future, not right now.’

‘What Lord?’ ‘I am ready NOW…’

‘No, you are not. Other things need to change first.’

Now this is where it gets interesting.  I have two choices.  I could listen to Him and wait.  OR…

We know what happens when I don’t wait.

I am not going to tell you I always wait every time. I don’t.

But when I do…

His plan is ALWAYS Better.

God wants to use you.

The enemy also jumps in when I am in my waiting period and uses it to distract me.

‘You missed your time.’ he hisses. ‘God left without you and is using someone else.’ ‘You messed up and He will not use you now.’ ‘You are too broken to be used by God.’

The enemy knows your name, but he always calls you by your sin.

God knows your sin, but He always calls you by your name.

Read that again.

He called you.

He chose you.

He set you apart.

You are set apart for such a time as this.

He wants to use you.

He wants to use me.

Don’t let this season of waiting discourage you.  Don’t let the enemy in your head while you wait on Him.

Press in and spend time with our Lord while you wait.

Keep planting seeds while you wait.

He will tell you when it is time.

Hang in there with me!

Love you guys!

'Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” '

Isaiah 6:8

'He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” '

Psalms 46:10

'I wait for the Lord , my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. '

Psalms 130:5

'I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. '

Psalms 130:6

                                                      Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.

You are not late.

  You are not late. You are just in time. Sometimes I think I missed His timing.   I get so busy doing the ‘Martha’ thing, I forget I...