Friday, August 16, 2024

Things I have learned from my puppy…

We are deep into puppy training starting week three... 

Don’t chew on mommy.  Eat only your food, not Benny’s food. Your tummy can’t take his food.  Don’t pee or poop in the house.  Yes the grass is okay to do your business.  I know, the grass gets wet sometimes in the morning but it is okay to do your business there.  Okay, I will hold you after because you are cold.  No, Rocco doesn’t want to jump and play first thing in the morning.  He needs his space. Yes, your new treats are yummy, aren’t they?  No, thank you I really don’t want to share them.  Daddy is your friend too and takes you out every morning.  Yes, he is excited to see you too at the end of the day and loves your kisses too.

But what I didn’t know was God was training me too - through Gabriel…

Slow down. You don’t need to run that fast ahead of me.

Gabriel loves to run ahead of everyone.  He doesn’t know the dangers around the corner.  I am here to protect him when we are outside doing our business.  Hawks and other predators are waiting to pick up his tiny three-pound self as a morning snack.  I am his protection.  God reminded me – He is my protection.  Slow down.  Stop trying to get ahead of His Plans.  He knows what is best for me.  Even when I think I am running behind, I must remind myself, GOD is never late. He is just in time.  I need to slow down and just breathe.  Then take deliberate steps.  His steps. Not mine.

Don’t jump off that bed.  You are not superman. 

Gabriel loves to run to the end of the bed and do a Houdini and slide down between the comforter and the footboard.  He doesn’t see the danger in his action, and I have to grab him before he tries the superman feat.  He also tries to jump off the front retaining wall where Benny jumps daily, and Gabriel’s young legs are not ready just yet.  God reminded me of the many times I tried to do things I wasn’t ready for yet.  “I got this Lord!” I would say as I tried something on my own, or in my own strength.  Each time I did that, it ended – spectacularly – horribly.  God reminded me how silly I looked to Him as I played ‘superman’ on my own.  “Yes Lord…I get it.”

Take time outs.  We all need them. 

Each day we give the other puppies a break from each other and Gabriel a break time in his crate.  He wasn’t happy at all with me at that moment.  The other dogs, however, are happy with me.  They get a break from the hyperactive puppy and a little attention from mom.  Gabriel gets a nap and some quiet time.  He is refreshed after his nap and ready to play again afterwards.  Everyone is ready to play again.  God reminded me once again – we all need time outs.  Even me.  Take them.  Or He will give them to me.  I am more refreshed when I do take time for me.  I appreciate time with my Heavenly Father when I take my ‘time outs’.   I get away from the distractions of the world.  I can hear Him clearly.  I don’t miss the small things when I am being still…

Mom (Dad) knows best.  Even when we think we do.

Gabriel LOVES all the foods and treats!  He Loves his food.  He Loves Benny’s food.  He Loves Dad’s food.  ANY Food and ALL Food!  When he finishes his food in his dish, Gabriel immediately bee lines to Benny’s dish to try and sneak a bite of his food too.  I am the house monitor to guide him back to his dish as he is learning his place.  He tries again and then learns through Benny’s growl that he has overstepped his boundaries.  “I told you honey that your dish is Your dish.  You can’t share Benny’s food.”  Gabriel looks at me as if to say, “But mom, I know best.  I should get his food too.”  As much as Gabriel ‘thinks’ he knows best, we all know too much of a good thing isn’t good for him.  And taking another dog’s food is a recipe for disaster.  He learned quickly that wasn’t a good idea too.  I was there to solve the problem.  Mom knows best.

I have stepped into places I didn’t belong when I thought I ‘knew best’.  After licking my wounds, God was there to pick up the pieces and reminded me – He knows best.  I had to learn the hard way.  Don’t we all sometimes?  But the older I get… Well, I still stumble. But I am grateful for His mercy and grace. 

AND that He is there to call on daily because I am not much different that Gabriel…


He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalms 46:10

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Psalms 139:16

I wait for the Lord , my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.

Psalms 130:5

                                                      Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Gabriel the puppy

We were quite happy with two puppies.  They were happy with the arrangements as well.  Benny had 100% of Dad’s attention.  Rocco was comfortable with his routine.

Then came Gabriel.

Why do we need another puppy?

Benny would say, “Because I want a buddy to play with!”

Rocco would say, “We don’t Need another puppy!”

Dad said, “He is cute, but how are we going to handle three…?”

I wondered if we would be able to do it all.  However we knew Benny needed a playmate since Rocco was getting older and didn't want to play as much as before.  Benny wanted all of our attention since Rocco refused to give him any of his.  We discerned that having a new buddy for Benny would brighten his spirits and possibly bring Rocco out of his 'old man' syndrome at the same time.

That was the plan.

Then Carl named him Gabriel which means - God is my Strength.

Once he was named, I knew.

This was more than a puppy that was joining our little family.  This was a blessing over our home.  There have been a lot of things going on lately.  Health issues.  Business issues.  Ministry issues.  So many issues that my issues have issues.

Can you relate?

So, in the midst of it all, I have had a few moments.  Well, maybe more than a few.  It has been tiring to say the least.  Especially with my health.  I am used to ‘pushing through’ things and just getting the job done.  The last couple of years have not been very cooperative with my internal schedule. I had plans.  My body had other plans.  I wanted to put everything in a neat little box and make it all work and when it didn’t… I had a moment.

I am not a complainer.  I would rather talk about anything else other than myself.  It is easier to deflect to other’s prayer needs.  That gives me something else to focus on.  When I am praying for someone else, I don’t think about my problems.  It also gives me perspective.  There are so many others that have it harder than I do.  So, I don’t complain.  Until now…  I spend a lot of time in my bible and in prayer.  I just needed a new sign.  I needed hope.

I needed HIM this time. 

I needed His reassurance this time.

I needed His strength this time.

He knew.

So, we are the proud new parents of Gabriel – who will be my daily reminder that GOD IS MY STRENGTH.

Every day I see Gabriel, I will be reminded of God’s promise to us.  I will not forget.  I will not give up hope.

Don’t give up hope.  Look for the signs in the smallest things every day.  Our Heavenly Father is ready to share them with you.

Thank you for your prayers too my friend... 


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

                                                      Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.

You are not late.

  You are not late. You are just in time. Sometimes I think I missed His timing.   I get so busy doing the ‘Martha’ thing, I forget I...