Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Fill your cup


Mid-week thoughts…

As we balance on the beam of Wednesday, or as some call hump-day, I was reflecting on how much energy I didn’t have this morning.  I haven’t had the luxury to take it easy lately due to many obligations at work and United Marriage Encounter.  My husband and I tried to get to bed early last night because he had a training this morning that required him to be up one hour earlier for travel. 

I was hoping for a restful night.  However once in bed, I tossed and turned for an hour until I finally fell asleep.  I ended up praying for friends and family during that time until I finally drifted off to sleep.  It was His plan to pray.  Sometimes His plans are not in line with mine, but still perfect so I need to accept them.  Praying also helps me focus on what is important. 

I woke up with my husband early this morning by rambunctious puppies.  They wanted attention because dad was busy getting ready to leave and they needed to go out.  I slowly got out of bed and let them out to do their morning business.  I then proceeded to grab their morning treat.  As I came back to the door, I watched the puppies sprinting towards the tree line after two very large deer.  I opened the door and yelled so loud that I believe the neighbors heard me.  I know the deer did because they also stopped in their tracks and looked at me like, “Seriously lady?”

The puppies turned and ran right back to the house excited to get their morning treats.  I was grateful because I really didn’t want to chase them across the yard in my fancy purple robe…  That would be another story for another time.

My cup was empty this morning.  I had very little sleep this past week and didn’t feel excited to tackle the day that was ahead of me.

That is when I took a moment to pause and reflect on His word through my devotionals.  Resetting my day so to speak by reading His word and experiencing His peace.  It helped to stop and refocus on what was important.  I may not get everything done today because I was tired.  But I could do what I could for the time being. 

It is okay to not go at light speed every day.  (I am speaking this truth to myself as well as to you today)

It is also good to take time and rest.  I am thankful for my husband who blessed me by booking a get-a-way this weekend.  It is my five-year anniversary with the company and booking a get-a-way was his gift to me.  I was so grateful because we have been going at light speed for months and needed the rest.

My cup has been a bit empty.

How about you?   How is your cup?  How are you filling your cup?

Don’t forget to fill it with Him first.  The one who can give you the strength to make it through the day.  Then fill it with fellowship and time away.  Time away doesn’t mean a long planned out vacation.  It can be an afternoon of quiet and reflection.

We can’t pour from an empty cup. We burn out and then are no good to anyone.  We need our cups filled to pour into others.

If your cup is full, this is a gentle reminder to consider pouring into someone else’s cup this week.  You may know someone who has had a rough week.  A text, or a call is a small but meaningful gesture to someone in need. 

Let them know it’s okay to take a break too…


Psalm 91:1-2

1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.91:1 Hebrew Shaddai

2I  will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,

my God, in whom I trust.”

Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.

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