Friday, September 16, 2022

God's CB radio


I like to take notes in church and often sit with my notebook and pen in hand as our pastor speaks.   We are currently going through the book of Romans.  I love going through the bible each week because I learn something new every time.  You can read through the bible multiple times and learn something new each time.  The Holy Spirit reveals what you need when you pick up your bible.  If you haven’t dived into His word lately, I encourage you to learn more about our Heavenly Father by reading His love letter to you.  He waits for us every day to reach out to Him with our thoughts and requests.  As a parent I understand that statement.  I am blessed when one of our kids reaches out to us and wants to share their life with us.  It is a relationship.  It is fellowship with our Father who wants to share His thoughts with us as well.

I heard an analogy in church last Sunday that caught my attention.  Prayer is a conversation with God.  I am sure you have heard that many times over the years.  Of course, prayer is a conversation with God.  We are reaching out to God with our requests and thoughts for the day when we pray.   The part that caught my attention was when our pastor compared our conversation with God to a CB radio. 

For those who haven’t seen one in a while, a CB (citizens band) radio allows short distance person-to-many persons bidirectional voice communication using two-way radios operating on 40 channels.  You might remember seeing one in movies or trucks as they roll down the road talking to each other.   I suddenly have Smoky and the Bandit on my mind…

The cool thing about CB radios is you can communicate with someone instantaneously if they are on the same channel as you.  The bad thing is there are only so many channels and if someone else is on one you need to wait your turn.

Another observation is when you use a CB radio to speak to someone, you need to hold down the talk button.  When you want a response, you need to release the button.  If you keep the button down, you can’t hear the other person and they can’t respond.  Communication is a two-way street and holding down the button only allows a one-way conversation which is not productive for either party.

When we reach out to God with our requests and concerns, we need to remember to release the talk button, so to speak, and let Him share His thoughts with us.  If I am holding down the button and only sharing my concerns with God, I am missing out on the other half of the conversation.  Remember, we are in a relationship with the Living God.  Holding down the button defeats the purpose.  We need to let go of the button and be still waiting for His reply.  Sometimes that reply takes time because He is waiting on us to sit in His presence and wait.  Other times the reply comes instantly.  Either way, you can’t have a meaningful conversation with the button held down.

The incredible thing about our conversation with God is, unlike a CB radio, we only need one channel, and He hears all requests and can communicate back to us instantly.  We just need to be open and reach out to Him.

Reach out to Him today and don’t forget to release the talk button…

He is waiting for you…


Isaiah 55:6 (NIV)

Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.

Psalms 46:10 (NIV)

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.

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