Saturday, June 8, 2024

Listening for a word...


Each year my husband and I take a break from the daily grind of our business and get away to an event called: The KLove Fan Awards.  This is a big thing for the two of us because we go during the busiest time of our business year. 

Now we didn’t plan it that way back in 2019 when we first attended.  We had seen the awards played on television in 2018 and it caught our attention.  My husband proactively registered us for 2019 and said, “I know we are going to be busy, but the business will always be there.  We need to take time for us.”  This was a first for him, so I didn’t argue.  I was just excited to get away!

That first year was a blast!    Both of us love to listen to worship music.  What we didn’t realize is that the event was an entire weekend filled with music, events, and worship which ended in the Fan Awards at the Grand Ole Opry.   Each day morphed into a time of worship with thousands of our “best friends”.  To sit in the convention center, listen to the music and the many voices lifted up to Him was an incredible experience.

I also discovered something new from that experience.  When I take the time to get away from the world and spend it with the Lord worshiping and praying with no distractions, I hear Him better.  Each day was a mountain top experience for me.  I loved the musicians, but that is not why I was there.  It was like tuning into a radio station with no interference around. 

Clear reception.

Just me and my God.

Then He could speak directly to me.  Then He could give me a word.

And He did.

I was blown away the first time.  It was just two words.  But they were very clear.  I clung to those words throughout the year after the event. He showed me what the words meant as I prayed and sought His will over the next twelve months.

That became my new habit.  Each year we would go back, and I would spend time with God in worship and prayer.  I would ask Him for direction and a word.  Each year, He would show up and direct me. 


Even when I wasn’t.

He always showed up.

This year it was different.  He gave me the word the day before I left for our trip.  Then while we were away, He spend the weekend sharing with me what the word meant.

He is ALWAYS Faithful.

He is always here for us. 

We just need to step away from the world sometimes. 

Walk away from the noise. 

Be still. And listen.

You got this!

Because He’s Got You!

Love you guys!

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” 

Psalms 46:10

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 

Jeremiah 29:13

                                                  Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.

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