Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Wisdom and lemon meringue...


Can I share a story my son shared with me?

First - let me share a story from 1979. Just a couple years ago...

I was a very determined teenager who wanted the newest gadgets but was often short on funds to meet my goal.  I learned at an early age how to be creative.  I started working when I was only a pre-teen. I would take babysitting jobs while we lived in Japan. I also taught the Japanese students English for a little extra money.  I did whatever I could to have a little money and buy that new shiny gadget I saw or another rock for my pet rock collection.  Yep, I had a pet rock collection.  It was the 70s.  You will have to look that one up.

The summer of 1979 I discovered a concert was coming into town the following year.  I had NEVER been to a live concert and wanted to go SOOO bad, however I didn’t have concert money.  Well, that particular summer the Navy had their annual picnic which included games and multiple prizes.  Most of the prizes were not exciting for a teenager but one caught my attention.  2 Tickets to either a football game OR to the CONCERT I wanted to see!  KANSAS! 


The game was a pie eating contest.

I like to eat!

The pie was lemon meringue.

Meh, lemon wasn’t my favorite, but I could figure this out…

All contestants were allowed. Men, women, even kids.

I was 14 years old and determined I would win.

I preemptively went to my father and said, “If I win, I want the concert tickets.” He said, “If you win, take the football tickets, and I will pay for your concert ticket.” I agreed to his compromise. 

He thought nothing more of the transaction believing his daughter was outnumbered against grown men.

I bellied up to the table and with my hands behind my back stood toe to toe with men twice my size.  I didn’t care.  I was on a mission.

When the contest started I dived into my pie, refusing to look at my competition.  I thought to myself, no matter what I am going to give it my ALL.

I did.

I won that day. 

There was not a lick of lemon left in that dish.  I jumped up and ran to the judges to collect my prize in front of a group of very astonished grown men.  The smile on my face was so big!  There was no holding me back!

Then I went behind the stage and … well let’s say I returned the pie to its natural state.

Kansas toured Japan for the first time in Japan January of 1980.  I was at that historic concert.  I also haven’t had lemon meringue pie since the summer of 1979.  Two historic moments.

Side note: I just found out one of the bandmembers became a born-again Christian in 1980 and the lyrics of their next three albums reflected his beliefs.  God was working in their lives! 

Now back to my son’s story.

I have told that story many times over the years, but I didn’t realize any of my kids had internalized it.  I was speaking to Joey recently and he mentioned his walk with the Lord has been a journey of hills and valleys.  Often, his journey was fighting with the Lord as he fought for his will instead of God’s way.

I can relate.  I have done the same thing many times over the years.

He also said a person will not be ready to step into their journey with God until they get the world out of their system.  He spoke from experience.  He knew that without giving up everything that he ‘thought’ he wanted, then there would be no room for what God had for him.  What he thought he wanted was plain garbage.  God had so much more for him.  He said going back to what he thought he wanted was like a dog going back to its vomit, or me going back to my lemon meringue pie behind the stage.

I had to laugh at that statement!

He remembered the lemon meringue pie story!  And WHAT a word picture!

A dog going back to its vomit – Proverbs 26:11

Getting sick and tired enough.

You have to get sick and tired enough of your old life before you decide that God’s way is so much better.  That is what my son was saying.

He is right.

I knew that, but what a word picture!

And what a memory!

And what wisdom from my son!

So, when you think your kids are not hearing your silly stories, they are.

And, they are using them in context by His revelation.

How awesome is our God?

Love you guys!


'As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly. '

Proverbs 26:11


Here are 100 Bible Verses on Wisdom:



And for a bit of humor… here is a link on Pet Rocks…


                                                      Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.

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