Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Praising Him in all things...


How easy it is for me to praise God when prayers are answered.  The sun seems to shine a bit brighter.  The world around me seems a bit nicer.  I hear a song on the radio and say, Yes Lord, I see your plan.  Today I woke up to a prayer answered and I felt so blessed.  God said yes, and a plan was set in motion.

But what about when He says No, or Wait? The sun is still there, and the world is still spinning.  God still heard my prayers.  Nothing changed.  Why do I feel like it did because He said yes, this time?

It is sometimes hard to praise Him in all things.  In the storms of our lives.  Recently my husband and I have been praying fervently for something in our business.  We were so sure He knew what we needed.  The way God answered that prayer was not what we expected.  It was not only no, but He gave us a completely different answer altogether. 

In frustration I cried out to the Lord.  “This is not what we prayed for Lord!”

We struggled, and the sadness in my husbands’ eyes was unbearable to me.  I wanted to fix it.  There was no fixing this one.  God had stepped in and allowed the ‘chips to fall’ where they were.  How could we praise Him in this?  We didn’t see the big picture.

There was a reason. We might not see it right away.  We might not see it ever.  But God knows better because He knows the beginning from the end.  He knows what we need.  He knows what our business needs. 

So, we praise Him in the storm.  Even when we don’t see the answer.  Even when He says no.  We don’t praise Him because of an answer.  We praise Him because He is God, and He knows what is best for us.  We need to conform to His will.  Not the other way around.

So, I praise Him in the storm. 

Stand with me and Praise Him in all things…

Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.

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