Friday, July 1, 2022

Blessing your spouse...


The fourth of July is a major holiday sharing the freedom of our United States.  Ironically my grandmother and husband share their birthday also on the 4th of July.

When I met Carl the conversation of birthdays came up.  He told me his birthday was the fourth of July.  I looked at him shocked because it was also my grandmother’s birthday.  I was Grandma’s favorite because I was named after her.  Grandma Peggy and I had a special bond between us because of my name. 

Grandma used to say the entire country was celebrating with her on her birthday.  I would agree to some extent because she loved to host the biggest party each year on her birthday.  I never thought anything about it because I was just a kid.  It seemed normal that she hosted and fed everyone on her birthday.  As I look back, I realized she spent many days hosting events because of her hospitality spirit.  Grandma could throw the biggest parties and feed large crowds with ease.  I believe some of the hospitality gene rubbed off on me because feeding others blesses my spirit as well.

Now why am I talking about this today? 

Because in a few short days it is going to be Carl’s birthday and I am going to bless the milestone he is about to hit.  I want Carl’s cup to be filled and overflowing as he often does for others on a daily basis. 

So, several months ago, I began planning the event down to the nit.    In true Grandma fashion, I invited everyone that I could to share his special day with him.  There will be food and fun for all who attend.

My prayer is that Carl’s cup will overflow as everyone arrives and shares his special day with us.  He deserves all the blessings.  He is a man after God’s heart and pours into everyone he meets in our business and the marriage ministry. (United Marriage Encounter) We are blessed as a couple because God brought us together so many years ago.  I am so grateful for God’s work in our marriage and feel excited to make his day special.

Go out and bless your spouse today in any way you can.  It can be a big party like the one I am planning.  It can be a small note or text saying you love him or her.  You can pray for your spouse.  That is one of the biggest gifts you can give. 

Just step out and do something…  Bless on your spouse today.


Ephesians 5:31 (NIV)

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV)

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Copyright © 2022 Peggy A. Priest. All Rights Reserved.


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